2010 Global Leadership Institute

2010 Global Leadership Institute
The Global Leadership Institute was launched in Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa, on 5 October 2009 with 25 participants from Ivory Coast, Liberia and Sierra Leone. A three year program with a group of pastors starting each year for a three year period. The 2nd year students progress to the 2nd year of study and so on. The institute was directed by Pastors Gregory & Agnes Bangura, founders and presidents of Rabboni Missions International Inc. All Nations Fellowship, a Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, is a sponsoring ministry for this Global Leadership Institute. The All Nations Fellowship pastoral & cohort team for 2010 will include Pastor John Thompson and Ronald McVicar.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Financial Goals are In for 2010

Headlines - West Africa, Sierra Leone and 2010 Global Leadership Institute
Reporting: Dr. John Thompson, All Nations Fellowship, Tulsa Oklahoma
(Thanks to the friendship of Heaven and so many here Tulsa, Claremore, Gainesville, New York and around the World. Thanks friends.)

I am thrilled to report that all fifty pastors have been sponsored for the Global Leadership Institute for 2010! We have reached our goal of $20,000 ($400 per pastor) to provide food, lodging, transportation, and a large bag of rice for each of the fifty pastors who are gathering for two weeks of training. Today the last half of the pastor sponsorships (25 of the 50 pastors) was given through a special love offering taken for these pastors at Liberty Church in Tulsa. Thank you to everyone over this past month and to those at Liberty today who have made a strategic investment in the lives of these fifty pastors. I give great thanks to the Lord for his awesome provision!

I have included a list of the pastors below and would ask that you please pray for the pastors and instructors.

Our team from the USA (including myself) will depart on Tuesday for Sierra Leone. (Each of these team members raised their own support to go.) We will arrive on Thursday in Bo, Sierra Leone to participate in the last two days of training of the new class of 25 pastors. This class arrived last Monday and are being trained by four pastors who were part of the first year of training last year. I have attached a picture taken this week of this 2010 cohort of pastors. On Monday, Oct. 4th, our 2009 cohort of pastors will return for year two of the Global Leadership Institute to be trained by our team.

Thank you all for your heart for what God is doing in West Africa and for your heart for the Global Leadership Institute. Here is the list of pastors and instructors:

Pastors being trained from Sept. 20th through Oct. 2nd:

John Martin Senesie

Michael Moiwo

Peter V. Kainwo

Desmond J. Koroma

Andrew Bundor

Samuel Kenneh

Melvin Kamara-Waggay

Andrew Kallon

James A. Marsh

Stephen James-Foyah

John Conteh

Jonathan P. Marsh

Titus Nguaja

Roselyn T. Freeman

Sheka Dumbuya

Abu Bockarie

Solomon S. Bowen

Denilson Smith

Victor Dayougar

Esther Freeman

Francis Jabba

Afred David Johnson

Paul C. Vah, Sr.

Shadrach S. Amara

Albert Kaisineh

  • Gregory Bangura
  • Abraham Turay
  • Suliaman Kpewa
  • Alusine Massaquoi
For the last two days:
  • John Thompson, Brian Main, Arlie Whitlow, Ron McVicar
Pastors being trained from Oct. 4th through Oct. 14th:

Gregory Bangura

Abraham Turay

Suliaman Kpewa

Alusine Massaquoi

Abraham Jallah

Alfred Barnes

Artee Joe Wesley

Christopher Kamara

Clarence Kollie

Francis Bockarie

Francis Kamanda

J. Harris Mulbah

John James

Maurice Kponnou

Moses Koroma

Nelson Coulson

Prince Foray

Rebecca Gaye

Simeon Williams

Tatiah Marrah

Tenga Kamara

Thaima Kaloko

Thomas (Sam) King

Timothy Gibson

Titus Zeogar

Washington McGill

  • John Thompson
  • Brian Main
  • Arlie Whitlow
  • Gregory Bangura
  • Ron McVicar

Friday, September 24, 2010

2010 GLI update

Hello all
Find here the current 1st year students being instructed by some of the 1st year student from last year and Pastor Gregory Bangura. Pray for these pastors below.

John Martin Senesie

Michael Moiwo

Peter V. Kainwo

Desmond J. Koroma

Andrew Bundor

Samuel Kenneh

Melvin Kamara-Waggay

Andrew Kallon

James A. Marsh

Stephen James-Foyah

John Conteh

Jonathan P. Marsh

Titus Nguaja

Roselyn T. Freeman

Sheka Dumbuya

Abu Bockarie

Solomon S. Bowen

Denilson Smith

Victor Dayougar

Esther Freeman

Francis Jabba

Afred David Johnson

Paul C. Vah, Sr.

Shadrach S. Amara

Albert Kaisineh

I will follow up with a post of the returning students / pastors (25) who will be arriving a few days after our team - Dr. John Thompson, Arlie Whitlow, Brian Main, myself (Ronald McVicar) and Gregory Bangura. US portion of the team (Thompson, Whitlow, Main, & McVicar) leave 9/28/2010 and arrive in country 9/29/2010 in Freetown. We will spend the night in or around Freetown, visit our future campus and school, meet with some locals and leaders. We will hopefully be purchasing the programs 1st vehicle (land-rover). We appreciate your prayers, supports and especially prayers as we conduct the transaction for the vehicles and its related tasks.

We are still seeking your assistance to finish raising funding for the 2nd year students - $400 per pastor which also includes a large bag of rice ($43) for them to bring back to their community and will feed a family for one month. Additionally, I am attempting to purchase and / or raise funds for sandals for the 50 pastors costing $15 to $18 each. Stay in touch, smile in our direction, and hope for healing's (inner and physical) as we minister locally with these pastors on Wednesday nights and Weekends.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fund-Raising Update (Take #3) 2010 Sierra Leone

Friends you are so wonderful and gracious thank you. I thank God for all of you and pray your investment, time and kindness is returned to you in t his season. Your prayers are really securing favor and heaven's sufficient funding of this years GLI program.
I last reported that we needed another $375 to meet the my expense goal for Sierra Leone. This week at least $400 in anonymous donation came in to put my in country reserve over the top. Thank you very much. Additionally, one of you have paid for five bags of rice that will cost of $43 each. Our goal is to purchase 50, one for each pastor to take one to feed a family for a whole month.
A parallel story but represents this kind of heart and joy I have to be able to walk with those Heaven desires to change their destiny is this. I am leading a Shoes for Orphan Souls project for a Rotary Club here in Claremore and this year I believe we needed to double all our previous years of contributions (As I want to take our own shoe project to Sierra Leone next year in 2011). With four days to go for the campaign we have made this goal of 500 pair of shoes. I was walking out of store having just spent all we had collected and needed to buy three more large bags of socks one for each box of shoes (20 pair per box). So I needed about $25 or so dollars. Well walking out of the store, I see a friend walking out of his store (on a Saturday and he is never in on Saturday), and the first words out of his mouth is how much do you need and hands me $25. (Thats what I am talking about.). Maybe through you all we can make at lease 10 more bags of rice and fun at least 10 more pastors. Again thanks for your more than generous partnership. The pastors starting their 1st year being trained by three of the 1st years students from last year and Pastor's Gregory & Agnus starts today. More to come ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fund-Raising Update (Take #2) 2010 Sierra Leone

Exciting friends, really. Some one today asked if they could sponsor the Rice to be given the 50 pastors coming to the GLI training. I of course said yes, $43 per bag to feed a family for a whole month. We are still looking for support for each pastors expenses ($400 each).

Regarding my individual expenses, I believe we have $375 to go. So great thanks to all. We have had our hotel arrangement made in Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa for $25 per night. Last year it cost $15 per night, but this is a new hotel.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fund-Raising Update 2010 Sierra Leone

To all wanting to know, I started the week off with another $200 raised of the $1,350, I last reported. As of tomorrow, I know of another $350 raised which leaves a remaining balance of $800 for my individual trip expenses for the estimated $3,200 for this 2010 Sierra Leone Global Leadership Institute. I am also up to about 40 prayer supporters which have committed to praying for our trip, the 50 pastors and my ability to be used by God in a unique way during this year's GLI. If you can encourage some others to help contribute towards this last $800.

Dr. John Thompson indicates that we still have a way to go in raising our funds to support the 50 pastors from the five West African countries at $400 (e.g., travel, lodging, and food for this year's GLI; and includes a food gift for them to take back to contribute to their churches food needs). So I ask to see if you or a group of you could support one (1), two, (2), three (3), or four (4) of these pastors. Please and thank you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sierra Leone Visa is Ready

So excited with my Sierra Leone Visa now in approved for one year and multiple entries to the country. Still looking for contributors to this mission trip to help cover expenses with a goal of $1,350 which is available for some of you to contribute towards. Please and thank you. I can really feel you prayers and your encouragements have bee spectacular. Thank you so much.